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3 things you should know about me:

- I can write backwards!

- I love nature, tea, travelling, expansive conversations & dancing!

- My dream job is to be a Barista in a cafe on the mountains- serving tea & chatting away with people!


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My Story

I set out to heal myself in my early 20’s and came across Naturopathic medicine, which offered a wholistic perspective of the human body. I was obsessed with knowing all ways of healing the body. Researching it in and out and eventually I made the career switch from being a microbiologist.


A few years in practicing as a Doctor, I realized what my patients truly needed was for me to coach them through their mindset. A way out of their stuck-ness or as we call it Limiting Belief patterns.


These Brilliant women were not performing the way they wanted to in life due to these patterns. She kept falling back on old diet habits, routines and mental dialogues. This was not serving her. How can I empower her?


I started looking into continuing education courses based on mindset psychology, emotions, behavioural patterns and so much more. I was passionately doing one course after another and even hired a coach. Because at the same time I was looking to build & expand myself. I started learning the skills to help these women overcome these limiting beliefs and get them out of stuck-ness. Wait a min I thought!


If I can learn the skills…. cant they? I can teach it. So I did! And this is where you see the magic in the universe shift in your favour. When you open to a possibility, it presents!


The very next day a client booked in and her real root cause issue was that she couldn’t do the things that gave her joy and healing. Because her desk wasn’t organized! For 5 years this woman had put off doing something so incredibly exciting and uplifting. Why? Because she didn’t have the tools TO GET THROUGH THE STUCK-NESS!


So I taught her, and 5 days down she popped back in for another appointment and was ready for more.


An hour’s appointment gave her momentum to move 5 years of STUCK energy. That hour quickly moved her closer to her dream goal. And 5 days later she moved even closer.


How did that happen?

  1. I lended my aura, vision, energy, time & expertise.

  2. Showed her the wisdom already within her and how she could tap into it.

  3. Gave her tools to SAFELY navigate her fears/negative emotions, all-or-nothing attitude, self abandonment tendencies, wounded inner child, etc. I began to teach her the ALCHEMY.



Over the pandemic I shifted everything to support women like her. 


I started my own business in 2020, with NO Business degree. Even when folks told me not to, I did! 

I did because I had learned to trust the voice in me. Check my feature here



2 years later my business was thriving, so much that I found myself working less in a work-the-grind-and-hustle-hard way but working more in a work-in-alignment-to-my-body&soul. I was taking discovery calls at the beach, at a café and loving the freedom I created.


I hired a coach within the year and that was the catalyst to multiple healing journey’s- inner child healing, money wounds, feminine & masculine wounds. An AVALANCHE OF HEALING began. I started cleaning up so much baggage that was weighing me down.


“ I finally felt LIGHT-er. I was cruising life at the speed of light”


I was growing so fast. Setting goals for fun! Not out of lack but out of play & abundance!


I use my wisdom as a Healer/Doctor, Life coach and training in spiritual science, psychology & emotional healing to give you a red carpet approach to set you on that journey you’ve been wanting to take! I make sure we establish a SAFE connection together and then within yourself. We absolutely want to make this journey into uncharted waters a safe and fun one!


Whether its to start a business, accomplish more in your day, hacks to organize your mind, develop unshakable confidence, or Whatever it is you know that voice is telling you to do!




What’s stopping you?

Let’s get on that call!



From your LOUDEST Cheerleader,

Aisha Durrani

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